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Accommodation, location or description:

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N° Adults:                     N ° Children:

Age of children at the time of travel:

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make sure I have correctly made my reservation?

The reservation is confirmed only upon receipt of travel documents (voucher)

What is CRO number?

C.R.O. (Transaction Reference Code) is a 11-digit code, required to register payment by bank transfer. This code is provided directly by your bank and, if not indicated on the receipt, will have to be requested from the bank by itself

What happens if I have decided to make my payment by bank transfer but I do not send the payment documentation within the deadline?

In the case of non-delivery of the wire transfer notification made within the terms indicated, the reservation will be automatically canceled

What if I can not make my wire transfer right away?

Make the bank transfer when you can and desire, and send your copy as soon as possible. For example, if you book on Friday night, Saturday or Sunday, you have time until Monday afternoon to send the copy of the wire transfer

Where can I find the hotel's phone number and / or email address?

When booking is made, the hotel's contact details, including phone number and e-mail address, will be indicated in the online booking confirmation, in the confirmation e-mail and in the voucher

How do I know if my booking has been confirmed?

The reservation that is made by credit card is confirmed at the time of payment, with the consequent sending of the related voucher.
For a reservation made by bank transfer, the confirmation is not immediate but will be received upon receipt of the bank transfer notice which must be sent by fax to the following number: +39 0771/1763200 or by mail to: pagamenti@daylighttour.it

I want to cancel my reservation, how can I do it?

Send an e-mail with the request, we will reply you by applying the penalties shown in the "Terms" section.
Offices are open from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 8pm. Practices are handled in opening hours, any request sent beyond the working time will be considered dated ONLY at the time of opening the office. Therefore, the cancellation request sent at office closure is considered as the date of the reading, which corresponds to the opening of the office and not to the reception of the mail.
For greater accuracy in the calculation of penalties, you are asked to send mails during working hours, otherwise the date of readmission and not reception will count for the calculation of penalties.

Are there discounts for children? Up to what age?

Most of our products provide discounts for children (under 18 years of age on the departure date). These discounts are applied if the children share the accommodation with their parents (according to the availability of the facility). Some facilities offer accommodation in triple, quadruple and quintuple rooms with a discount for children.

Discounts for 3rd, 4th, 5th bed, what do they expect?

The discounts provide all services included in the "price includes"

What if I can not take advantage of my holiday after booking?

Cancellation can be made at a reservation, but the total amount of the stay will be deducted

What if I make a reservation but want to change the date of your stay or the type of room / apartment?

The change of the date of the stay or the type of room / apartment can be made if the payment has not yet been made, and by written request that must be received no later than 48 hours from the booking.
The request will be confirmed by availability

Are the room services I booked are guaranteed?

Yes, the hotel guarantees the availability of all services listed in the "Services included in the price"

I need help!

We are always ready to help you, do not hesitate to contact us at +39 0771/1763008 from Monday to Saturday, from 9 a.m to 8 p.m


