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Use of cookies


What is a cookie?

Is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

Why do websites use cookies?

Web pages have no memory. If you navigate from one page to another within a website, you will not be recognized as the same user on each of the pages. Cookies allow the website to recognize a user's browser, and are therefore primarily used to remember your choices, such as the language and currency you set, and to recognize you for your next visit.

Cookies are all equal?

No, there are various types of cookies and different ways to use them. Cookies are distinguished according to the function performed, their duration, and depending on who placed them on a website.

How does DLTVIAGGI.IT use cookies?

We want to offer our visitors a site with advanced and easy-to-use features that automatically matches their needs and desires. To make this happen, our site uses the following types of cookies:
  • Technical Cookies: We use technical cookies to allow you to view our website, to make it work properly, to create your account, to login and to manage your bookings. Technical cookies are indispensable for the proper functioning of our site.
  • Functional Cookies: We use functional cookies to remember your preferences and to help you to use the website effectively and efficiently, for example by storing the currency and language you like, your searches, and the structures you have previously displayed. Functional cookies are not essential to the functioning of the website, but add functionality and improve overall experience.
  • Analytical cookies: We use analytic cookies to better understand how our visitors use the website to understand what works or not, to optimize and improve the site and to make sure that the site is always interesting and relevant. The data we receive includes the web pages visited, the output and input pages, the platform type, date and time information and data such as the number of clicks on a particular page, mouse movements, scrolling, words search and texts inserted while using the site.
  • Commercial Cookies: We use commercial cookies to show you dltviaggi.it advertising on other websites. This activity is called "retargeting" and varies according to the destinations you have searched for and the structures you have displayed.

How long are DLTVIAGGI.IT cookies active?

The cookies we use have a variable lifespan. The maximum length, which affects some of our cookies, is 5 years from the last visit of the site. At any time you can delete all cookies from your browser.

How do I recognize the DLTVIAGGI.IT cookie?

You can find our cookies between your browser settings.

Who has access to DLTVIAGGI.IT cookie data?

Only dltviaggi.it can access to the cookie of dltviaggi.it

How can you change your cookie preferences?

From your browser settings (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc ...), you can determine which cookies you want to receive and which ones do not. To find out where you can find these settings, which may vary depending on your browser, use the "Help" feature of your browser.
If you decide not to accept certain cookies, you may not be able to properly use some of our site's features. Also note that if you choose to use opt-out from an ad network, this does not mean that you will not receive more, or you will no longer be subject to market analysis and online advertising. It only means that the network you are opting out will not show you more ads based on your preferences and your online behavior.

What kind of security procedures does DLT VIAGGI.IT use to safeguard your personal information?

In accordance with European Personal Data Protection laws, we observe strict procedures to prevent personal information from being accessed or used improperly or without authorization.
To protect and safeguard the personal information you provide, we use appropriate procedures and work systems. In addition, we have implemented and use security procedures and technical and physical restrictions regarding the access and use of personal information on our servers. Access to personal information is only permitted to authorized personnel, and can only take place during the course of their work.
Your credit card details, when they are needed for the booking process, will be stored for up to 10 days. After this period, all data will be permanently deleted or stored in our system for the purposes of fraud detection. Alternatively, you can choose to save your credit card information to your personal account.


The services offered by dltviagi.it are not intended for children under 18 years of age. The use of our services must take place with the consent of a parent or guardian. If we receive information about a minor under 18, we reserve the right to cancel them.


How you can check the personal information provided to DLT VIAGGI.IT?
You can verify your personal information at any time. You can request them by sending an e-mail to: booking@daylighttour.it. In the subject of the email write "Personal Data Request" and attach a copy of your ID to help us prevent any unauthorized access to your information.
If your data is incorrect, we will make changes to your request. You can also ask us to unsubscribe from our database by sending an e-mail to booking@daylighttour.it. In the subject of the email write "Request to delete your personal data". In any case, we may need to retain some information for legal or administrative reasons, such as the obligation to retain documentation or detect fraudulent activity.

Who is responsible for managing personal information for DLTVIAGGI.IT's site and apps?

Dltviaggi.it is responsible for the management of personal data for the site


